Recharge Trendd Setter Logo

Global Brand Building & Marketing Partner

Global Partnership Program Application Form

1. Personal Information

2. Qualifying Questions

Yes, in sales
Yes, in digital marketing
Yes, in business development
No experience in these fields

Full-time employment
Part-time employment
Looking to start my own business

1-3 years
4-6 years
7+ years
No experience

Yes, I have an established network
I have some contacts but need to grow my network
I need help building my network

Yes, I am ready to dedicate full-time
Yes, I can commit part-time initially
I am unsure about the time I can dedicate

Yes, I have managed client relationships and sales before
Yes, but I need further training in this area
No, I do not have experience but am eager to learn

Building my own business without upfront costs
Earning revenue based on sales success
Partnering with a proven company like Recharge Trendd Setter
Learning new skills in digital marketing, advertising, or IT services

3. Previous Job or Business Experience

Please list up to 3 relevant job roles or business experiences that demonstrate your qualifications for this partnership.

3.1. Job/Business Experience 1

3.2. Job/Business Experience 2

3.3. Job/Business Experience 3 (optional)

4. Available Infrastructure

Yes No
Reliable Internet Connection:
Yes No
Office Space or Professional Workspace:
Yes No
Dedicated Workspace (home-based or office):
Yes No

Yes, I have experience using CRM tools
Yes, but I need further training
No, I have not used CRM tools before

5. Experience & Capabilities

Digital Marketing
Corporate Gifting
Web Development
IT Services
Other (please specify):

Yes, I have managed a team before
No, but I have collaborated with teams
No, I have not managed a team

6. Vision & Business Goals

7. Location & Market

Europe (please specify country):
Latin America (please specify country):
Other (please specify):

Yes, I have a deep understanding of the market
I have some insights but need support
I need help understanding the market

8. How much can you spend monthly towards lead generation and client aquisition?*

Less than $500
$500 - $1,000
$1,000 - $5,000
More than $5,000

9. Additional Information